A Travellerspoint blog

Six months in pictures, final version!

5,000 photos and six months' worth of experiences distilled into just one song

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We've been home now for longer than we were ever gone, and I've just finally managed to condense "the highlights of the highlights" of the trip into just one four-minute slide-show. It's set to the acoustic version of "You and Me" by the Dave Matthews Band. I know I've said before that one post or another would likely be my last -- but I promise this one really is! It's time to move on and start planning the next trip.

But first, here it is -- six months, one song. You can see it at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hqb5ZXKWVz8.

Thanks for reading.

Posted by The Rymans 13:31 Archived in Canada

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